The Resource & Crisis Center offers a series of presentations and activities to the community to raise awareness, educate on the dynamics of domestic violence and sexual assault, and change social norms.
If you are interested in hosting a training:
Please complete the Training Request Form below and email that to, attention Outreach & Prevention Team. A team member will contact you to schedule a training for your group.
Community Education Presentations
For Adults:
Domestic Violence 101 (1 hour): The basic dynamics of domestic violence.
Sexual Assault 101 (1 hour): The basic dynamics of adult and child sexual assault.
RCC Overview (20 minutes): Overview of RCC services and how to get involved with our agency.
Recognizing the Signs (1.5 hours): Learn how to recognize the signs of those affected by domestic violence and/or sexual assault and how to respond in helpful and safe ways. Presentation can be tailored to a specific profession.
Healthy Relationships (45 minutes): Learn the components of healthy relationships in your life along with setting personal boundaries.
Relationships: Good, Bad, and Abusive (2.5 hours): Combination of Domestic Violence 101, Sexual Assault 101, Healthy Relationships, and Recognizing the Signs.
Cut it Out (1 hour): For salon professionals to recognize, respond, and refer to victims of domestic violence

For Youth:
Healthy Relationships (45 minutes, ages 8-18): Learn the components of healthy relationships in your life along with setting personal boundaries.
Teen Dating Violence (Four 1-hour sessions, ages 14-18): A series that focuses on healthy relationships, building self esteem, and prevention of domestic violence and sexual assault within dating relationships.
RCC's Be Strong Program is a primary prevention effort available for young women in grades 8 -12. This program seeks to empower young women, inspire purpose, and change social norms in the Galveston community.
Be Strong: From the Inside Out
12, 1.5-hour sessions for young women grades 8 -12
Be Strong: from the Inside Out is an asset-based, development program for young women that builds on concepts of woman-hood, respect, and positive relationships as a strategy for health promotion and violence prevention. Along with the curriculum, Youth Leads is an empowering opportunity that is youth driven and can establish and/or increase their knowledge about the community that surrounds them and cultivates relationships with that same community.
To learn more about the Be Strong Program or get involved, contact our Primary Prevention Coordinator at 409-443-0548.